Boeken markt la charite-sur-loire village des mots

Strolling along the stalls at a brocante market

The term brocante originates from French and means: flea market, second-hand. For all France-goers who love brocante, there are brocantes throughout the year, but especially from the end of August to the beginning of September, there is a ‘vide grenier’ (an attic clearance) or brocante somewhere almost every weekend.

Because there are so many markets, here are 2 websites with handy calendars:

After all, all that old junk is a reflection of society

Within 50 km distance from Gîte le Corbier there are 2 depots of the Emmaüs foundation.
They are junk paradises that are well organised and sorted. They are a kind of thrift shops once started in 1949 by Abbé Pierre, a priest and MP who called attention to the poor.
In these depots you still come across beautiful old sideboards for under €100 and all sorts of beautiful and affordable curiosities. But also a lot of things you just don’t want to have, but which do tell you what the ordinary man’s home looks like. After all, all that old junk is a reflection of society. That way, you get a true inside view in the Frenchman’s life.
Heading towards Bourges, you can visit a branch of the Troc. The literal translation of the word is ‘barter’. The first shop opened in 1982 and today you can already find the Troc in 134 towns.
In these warehouses you will find loads of discarded items, from chairs and cupboards to paintings and electrical appliances. Anyone hoping to find a piece of design furniture from the fifties will usually be disappointed, but keen treasure hunters rarely leave empty-handed.